10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

8. Rey Mysterio Vs. Eddie Guerrero - Custody Of Dominick Ladder Match (SummerSlam 2005)

Let's first start out by saying this match was fantastic. Guerrero and Mysterio always put on a great show and this Summerslam 2005 encounter was no different. Eddie, in particular, was great in his role as a villain and played his over-the-top heel character to perfection. But really, a ladder match for the custody of Rey's son? The whole thing started when Eddie Guerrero came on television and threatened to reveal a deep, dark secret about his enemy, Rey Mysterio. After some drama, Guerrero claimed that Rey's son Dominick was actually his biological son, debuting the "I'm your Papi!" catchphrase that sold tons of t-shirts. This might be splitting hairs here, but doesn't this storyline call a lot of people's morals into question? Rey stays with his wife after she sleeps with Guerrero? Vickie Guerrero stands by her husband after he has a child with his best friend's wife? Is this professional wrestling or a daytime soap opera? The whole thing was made more ridiculous when the families got involved in the match. Pre-heel Vickie Guerrero made one of her first television appearances and shoved over the ladder before Guerrero could win. Dominick himself was shown at ringside throughout the match, showing all the acting skills of a Kardashian. Finally, after Dominick interfered, Rey climbed the ladder and grabbed the custody papers to win the match and keep his son (there's a sentence that should never be typed). You either loved this match or hated this match but one thing cannot be argued: It was totally ridiculous.
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