10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

5. Buff Bagwell Vs. Kanyon - Judy Bagwell On A Pole Match (New Blood Rising 2000)

That's right, Vince Russo also put a human being on top of a pole. This human being also happened to be Buff Bagwell's real life mother, Judy. Full disclosure: Judy Bagwell wasn't actually on a pole. Kanyon helpfully explained that he couldn't find a pole that was strong enough to support the full-figured Mama Bagwell. Instead, Kanyon brought her out on a forklift. Judy Bagwell screams the entire time like she's an extra in a horror movie, displaying acting skills roughly on par with porn stars. Kanyon and Bagwell proceeded to have a terrible match, brawling around the arena with zero inspiration, almost like they knew this was one of the worst ideas in wrestling history. To make matters worse, this match also featured the return of a former WCW World Heavyweight champion. Nope, it wasn't Sting, not Kevin Nash, not Goldberg, certainly not Ric Flair. No, it was David Arquette. Wearing ring gear that appeared to be stolen out of MC Hammer's closet, Arquette hit the ring and attacked Bagwell because why not, right? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2zof6_buff-bagwell-vs-positively-kanyon-j_sport Sadly, Arquette's dastardly plan was foiled when Bagwell delivered a Blockbuster to both men and got the win to reclaim his mother off of the forklift. Seriously, there should be a Hallmark card for that situation. "Thank you son for defeating the evil movie actor and getting me down off of the forklift. Love, your mother."
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.