10 Most Ridiculous Wrestling Matches Ever

4. Four Doinks Vs. The Headshrinkers, Bastion Booger, & Bam Bam Bigelow (Survivor Series 1993)

Longtime wrestling fans will tell you that 1993-1996 was not a good era for the World Wrestling Federation. They went from Hulkamania running wild for 9 years to goofy cartoon characters aimed squarely at a Saturday morning TV audience. There was no better example of this than the team of Four Doinks taking on the crew of the Headshrinkers, Bastion Booger, and Bam Bam Bigelow. The four Doinks were actually the Bushwhackers and Men on a Mission in clown makeup, but that didn't stop them from busting out horrendously unfunny comedy spots for the entire match and playing with balloons like idiots. Mabel, in particular, looked like a combination of Grimace and a deranged Ronald McDonald. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5kvn3_four-doinks-vs-bam-bam-bigelow-head_sport Various spots included one Headshrinker getting pinned after literally slipping on a banana peel, Afa eating a full turkey on the outside of the ring, and Butch riding a scooter around the ring to distract the heels. All of this actually happened on television while Vince McMahon did his best fake laughing to put it over as the funniest thing since The Simpsons season five. Honestly, the entire match was a complete waste of time as any actual wrestling gave way to goofy comedy spots that put over no one. The Bushwhackers were about ten years past their expiration date and Men on a Mission were absolutely terrible in the ring.
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