10 Most SCATHING Times Wrestlers Buried WWE
6. Drew McIntyre Can't Co-Exist With WWE's Booking

These are current top stars burying WWE on main.
Former talents have definitely said worse, but it's worse coming from those who were WWE Champions this year. Austin caused a furore in 2002 when he said the writing was sh*t. Drew McIntyre rips the piss out of creative in 2021, and it barely makes the front page of Reddit.
It was just a throwaway tweet, and you can't blame them exactly, but these people are meant to be brand ambassadors for the company. What does it say about WWE's output when the stars themselves roll their eyes at it?
This doesn't happen in competent organisations with decent morale.
"This" in this case is a recent Drew McIntyre tweet in which the Scottish Terminator or Scottish Psychopath or whatever they're calling him took a blowtorch to that week's RAW script.
On the October 4 RAW, as part of another lamentable CaN THeY cO-ExISt? storyline, Drew teamed with Big E to take on the Dirty Dawgs. The exact same match with the exact same story beat occurred on October 18, ahead of which Drew tweeted "Well I am a sucker for first-time matches".
In the first match, Drew and Big E failed to co-exist. In the second, they did, removing any semblance of drama, not that there's any drama with this rotten plot device. Drew and Big E won both matches.
What a complete mess.