10 Most Shocking Brock Lesnar WWE Moments

8. Destroying Hulkamania

What's one sure fire to get your new monster over with the fans? A series of squash wins over mid-card talent is one thing, and that's something WWE definitely tried with Brock, but there are other ways to have it hit home that this new beast is here to stay. A stroke of genius, the way Brock Lesnar was booked to dismantle Hulk Hogan on an episode of Smackdown in the lead-up to Summerslam 2002 was astounding. This was pro wrestling booking 101, have the new face of the company vanquish one of the older ones, and do so with such utter contempt and a callous streak which makes the blood run cold. Even fans who had long tired of the red and yellow nostalgia of the Hulkster were drawn in here, it was a shocking moment to see Lesnar beat down his elder so brutally. Pulling one hell of a blade job, Hogan received the beating of a lifetime, and Lesnar became the top heel in the company overnight. Better yet, by winning this match, Brock was guaranteed a match against The Rock for the WWE Title on Pay-Per-View, and fans were tripping over one another to see it.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.