10 Most Shocking Brock Lesnar WWE Moments

9. "Breaking" HBK's Arm

Something that became clear as soon as Brock Lesnar returned to WWE in 2012, was that he had a new-found ability to make everything he did inside the ring look pretty scary and realistic. It's a trait likely brought on by the man's time in MMA, and the fact that he apparently enjoys matches in WWE being pretty stiff and rough - Lesnar isn't afraid to take back what he's dishing out, that much is obvious. Building towards a match with Triple H, Lesnar would "break" the arm of Shawn Michaels on an episode of Monday Night Raw. The angle was fantastically well played out, few wrestlers can sell injury with the conviction of HBK, and few others have the believably menacing aura that Lesnar possesses. So well done was the segment that there were even reports immediately following the program that something had went badly wrong, and Lesnar had actually injured the 'Showstopper'. Obviously, this wasn't the case, but just proves that even pro wrestling can be construed as real if the performers are credible enough.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.