10 Most Shocking Brock Lesnar WWE Moments

6. Breaking Bob Holly's Neck

It seems that liking things rough inside the squared circle isn't a new thing for Brock Lesnar. His manhandling of opponents upon his debut did get out of hand on occasion, but there were few complaints. Men such as Jeff Hardy and Spike Dudley received the same bumps and bruises they'd been getting their whole careers, but things would take a darker turn during a match on Smackdown between Lesnar and Bob 'Hardcore' Holly. Executing a powerbomb on Holly, Brock failed to plant Holly down with care, resulting in Bob coming down hard on his neck and subsequently suffering a fracture. It was a nasty-looking move, and Lesnar was rightly chastised backstage for his lack of responsibility towards the safety of his co-worker. The injury would later lead to a feud between both men, culminating in a WWE Title match at the 2004 Royal Rumble, but few fans took Holly seriously as a headliner, even when armed with a real-life personal issue such as a broken neck.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.