10 Most Shocking Brock Lesnar WWE Moments

5. Missing That Shooting Star Press At WrestleMania XIX

Speaking of broken necks, that's exactly what Brock Lesnar himself very nearly ended up with in the main event of WrestleMania XIX. It was supposed to be a spectacular moment, as fans marveled at the sight of the huge man spiraling through the air, hitting Kurt Angle with a death-defying Shooting Star Press. The move looked spectacular alright, but not for the right reasons. Under-shooting his rotation somewhat, Lesnar appeared to land on his head and neck, leading to fears that he'd knocked himself out cold, or worse. The machine-like wrestler would be able to continue with the match, but has remarked that he remembers little after the top rope move botched. It must have been interesting to have been Angle at that moment, laying prone and wondering exactly what part of Lesnar's anatomy was about to collide with his. Thankfully, Lesnar only suffered a minor concussion and some bruising, which while still serious, was the best case scenario from mucking up such a dangerous dive.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.