10 Most Shocking Wrestling Unmaskings

9. Sara's Stalker

Liger Unmasked

The WCW invasion of WWE was still in its infancy when strange videos began appearing on Raw showing candid footage of The Undertaker at home. At the time, 'Taker was in his "American Bad !*$%" phase, so fans expected to see him humanized a bit more, but this footage - featuring Undertaker, his wife Sara, and their dogs - was still surprising. It was also disturbing, given the fact that whoever recorded the footage seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with Sara.

Undertaker went on a rampage to try and find out who was stalking his wife, but he didn't get anywhere. On the June 18, 2001 edition of Raw, the stalker - clad in black clothing and a ski mask -finally came out to the ring. He silently unmasked him, revealing three-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page.

Page's appearance was stunning, given that he was the first main-event star from WCW to show up in WWE, but it was also shockingly dumb. DDP had done his best work as a babyface, and even when he was a heel, he was never portrayed as the kind of creepy bad guy who would stalk someone. He explained that he was only doing it to toy with The Undertaker, but the whole thing was still very much out of character.

DDP's WWE career would only go downhill from there, as he was repeatedly beaten by The Undertaker (and Sara) en route to a slow fall down the card.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013