He may still be waiting upon his call to the main roster, but NXT talent Finn Bálor is going to be a huge star when he gets his chance in the big leagues. The Irishman's style is acrobatic and exciting, so it's little wonder why his percentage of body fat is so ridiculously low. His tips? Cut the carbs. That's notoriously difficult for most of us, but the Irishman does what's necessary to stay in the best shape possible. Instead, Bálor concentrates on a mix of fats, proteins and everything but a small intake of carbohydrates in his diet, so it's the fat stores he burns through for energy instead of excess carbs. That's what makes him as chiselled as he is. Erm, oh and another reason why is probably the excessive cardio sessions and endless core workouts he insists on. Those abs stick out like a sore thumb... Or like abs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRwsH3Hkjyo
Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.