10 Most Shredded Superstars On WWE's Roster

8. Seth Rollins

The WWE World Heavyweight Champion swears by CrossFit. It's Seth Rollins' reason for staying in shape, the reason he's able to fly around the ring and one of the reasons why he's so damn exciting to watch. And it's one of the reasons why he's good. He is really good, isn't he? Rollins carries very little body fat, and that's undoubtedly down to his training regime. CrossFit incorporates different types of training that makes the top converts great all-rounders in the fitness game. As well as being excellent for cardiovascular fitness, CrossFit incorporates Olympic lifting and gymnastics amongst other training styles, and rolls it into one to challenge its athletes. To boot, it's also ultra competitive, and training doesn't plateau. There's always room to push and improve, and that's why Rollins keeps bettering himself. Oh, and it's also why he's cut to shreds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvuP0gY-czA
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.