10 Most Shredded Superstars On WWE's Roster

6. Ryback

'The Big Guy' is continually shouting 'Feed Me More' at us, but that's not just a gimmick. Ryan Reeves lives to that mantra when it comes to food every single day. Heck, you'd presume he has to do that given he's build like a brick sh*thouse. Al Snow once said that he saw Ryback constantly sweat while he ate, but the 33-year-old put that down to the fact he was sick during his run in the Tough Enough game back in 2004. Nevertheless, Ryback eats like there's no tomorrow. A guy of his size has to intake heavy amounts of calories in order to stay energised. He once explained in an interview with First We Feast that he eats something every two-to-three hours and recycles the same meals. Steak, grilled chicken, tuna fish, eggs, egg whites, brown rice, sweet potatoes are his go to's, with whey supplements to compliment. But considering the regularity of his food intake, he's going to have to work to his maximum in the weights room. That's exactly what he does, as he explains in the video below, and it's all a part of Ryback's masterplan to being one massive slab of meat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VrVEbztqzk
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.