10 Most Shredded Superstars On WWE's Roster

5. Cesaro

'Swiss Superman' Cesaro doesn't have that moniker for no reason, he's earned it. He's considered to be the strongest guy on the roster - or at least one of them - and that comes from a mind-blowing routine in the gym and sheer discipline in the kitchen. You might be asking why he's only fifth on this list, but in all honesty the four guys who follow each have incredibly low percentages of body fat... Not that Cesaro's fat, but you know what I mean. Cesaro encourages others to not get tempted into that cheat meal as it sets a bad precedent, and advises to master the core lifts. They'll get that metabolism going. Core lifts are as simple yet unforgiving as they come. He champions squats and deadlifts as staples of his workout diet and encourages other compound moves like overhead and bench presses. You can't really go far wrong with those, and you'd think we've found our reasons why the European powerhouse is in such amazing shape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PnqYQXwLSw
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.