10 Most Soul-Destroying WWE Losses Of All Time

10. Christian vs. Randy Orton (Smackdown, 2011)

The circumstances surrounding Christian's first World Title win in WWE likely didn't please the man, who watched his best friend, Edge, forced into retirement by injury. At the Extreme Rules 2011 Pay-Per-View, this meant that Alberto Del Rio didn't have an opponent for a proposed Ladder Match. Capitalising on the bond between Edge and Christian, the latter was inserted into the bout, and fans were handed a real feel-good moment when Christian managed to defeat his Mexican opponent and become World Heavyweight Champion. It felt right, and people were excited to see someone fresh in the main event mix. Unfortunately, WWE higher-ups don't see Christian as top line material, and everyone was brought back down to earth with an almighty bang just days later. On the following episode of Smackdown, Christian put his title on the line against Randy Orton, who would defeat him and grab the gold. To say fans were deflated would be a gross understatement.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.