10 Most Successful Wrestling Brother Tag Teams Ever
Bros before blows.

Blood? Well, they say it is thicker than water. Keeping it in the family is extremely common in professional wrestling, with second and third generation wrestlers cropping up all over the place. Sometimes the familial links are even closer, and brothers and sisters find themselves working together in the same promotion.
What do you do if you have two brothers on your roster? Why, put them in a tag team of course! Professional wrestling history is littered with great brotherly tag teams, from the Steiners to the Briscos to the Usos to the Bucks and everything in between. Teaming with your brother can bring great success and many a commentator speaking of telepathy.
Saying that, there haven't been as many decorated brotherly tag teams as you would think. Famous teams such as the Rougeaus and the Harts never won tag team gold at the highest level, and as such don't make this list of the 10 most successful brotherly tag teams ever. Who does? You'll have to read on to find out.
In the interest of transparency, this list was done using a points system. Tag title wins gained points as follows; WWF/E = 5 points, WCW = 3, ECW/TNA/ROH = 2 and NWA/PWG/Others = 1. It's the best I could do, so if anyone takes umbrage with that be sure to let me know.
Only legitimate brothers count too, so no Edge & Christian or Dudley Boyz here. Without further ado, let's go!
10. Gold And Stardust

In a reveal that may surprise a few, there haven't really been that many brother tag teams to win a whole host of world titles. In fact, the list is opened up by three sets of brothers who (to date) have won a grand total of two WWE Tag Team Championships and nothing else. Two of the teams were flash in the pan jobs, with the other likely to stick around for a good while yet.
The sons of the son of a plumber open up the list due to the fact we are unlikely to see them teaming and winning titles again any time soon. Cody Rhodes and Goldust will always feel like something of a missed opportunity in WWE, as their initial tag team run was ended too early in order to get a nostalgia one in for the New Age Outlaws, and their second ended with an eventual feud that was nothing like it should have been.
Cody and Goldust could have anchored the WWE tag division for long enough for Cody to become a major singles star. Alas, what could have been...