10 Most Successful Wrestling PPV Debuts

1. The Shield

lana wwe

A month after invading WWE at Survivor Series 2012, The Shield competed in their first match: a 6-man TLC against Team Hell No and Ryback.

Dissecting each member of the opposing team, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose utilized a variety of weapons in the process. They isolated Ryback first, powerbombing him through the announce table. Then Kane and Daniel Bryan tried to fight the trio off, but the numbers game was too strong to overcome. Reigns speared Kane through the barricade and Bryan was curb stomped onto a chair.

Although The Shield had been treated as a serious threat beforehand, this match proved they were capable of handling action inside the ring. If you’ve forgotten how great Ambrose, Rollins, and even Reigns were when they first arrived, relive this hellacious war.

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Formerly the assistant editor of Wrestledelphia, John has joined the Muthaship at WhatCulture.