10 Most Successful Wrestling PPV Debuts

2. The Giant

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It was almost unfathomable for Hulkamaniacs, but their fearless champion lost to The Big Show in the latter's first match. It was the main event of Halloween Havoc '95, and The Giant followed the Andre the Giant playbook right down to being bodyslammed. As Hogan dropped the leg, his manager Jimmy Hart struck the referee, causing the WCW World Heavyweight Champion to be disqualified.

However, it's the pre-match and post-match shenanigans that are more remembered. As Kevin Sullivan, Hart, and The Giant attacked Hogan, Lex Luger and Randy Savage made the save. Well, Savage tried to, but Luger jumped him and aided the evil trio. Then the ridiculously tall Yeti trudged down the aisle, and double dry-humped the Hulkster.

It's a miracle that The Giant even made it to the bout because less than an hour prior, he fell off the roof of Cobo Hall! After Hogan beat the monstrous rookie in a monster truck match, in which two branded vehicles engaged in sumo wrestling, The Giant tried choking Hogan, but ended up crashing five stories below.

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Formerly the assistant editor of Wrestledelphia, John has joined the Muthaship at WhatCulture.