10 Most Successful WWE Diva Search Contestants Ever

9. Maria Kanellis

Maria Kannelis has more than proven that you don't need to have won the Diva Search competition to have a long and successful career in the wrestling industry. In 2004, Maria placed fifth, getting eliminated just before the infamous Diss the Diva segment. Still, she made a memorable exit by flipping the bird at the obvious heel competitior, Carmella - how un-PG! WWE bosses obviously saw something in Maria as she was quickly signed and pushed to the Raw roster as everybody's favourite ditsy backstage announcer. Her airhead gimmick featured in a myriad of 'humorous' segments over the next few years until they started to soften the character and actually give her a few extra brain cells. A disastrous relationship with Santino Marella and a Playboy cover shoot followed until she was drafted to the Smackdown brand - a place where she could focus more on becoming a wrestler. With a new confident, feisty character, Maria competed on the blue brand until 2010 when she was released from her contract; but that wouldn't be the last we would see of Miss Maria Kannelis in the wrestling world. In 2011, Maria would accompany her real life boyfriend, Mike Bennett to Ring of Honor, where she would become a heel character for the first time in her career. It is in ROH where Maria was given the name 'The First Lad of ROH' due to the fact she was one of the few female talents to consistently appear for the promotion. The couple's partnership would elevate both their careers, with Maria gaining recognition as one of the best managers in the industry. They proved to be a big draw for ROH until 2015 when the pair left and joined TNA Wrestling for their premiere show on the Pop! Network. Maria's career longevity, her fantastic promo skills and her ability to play both a devious heel and a naïve and happy face demonstrate just how successful she has been in the wrestling industry and hopefully that will continue in TNA.

Lover of sleeping, music, and films. Like a bit of wrestling now and again and enjoy making music.