10 Most Terrifying WWE Stipulations Ever

6. Fans Bring The Weapons

An often overlooked danger faced by professional wrestlers is the fans. One needs to only look back to the WWE's tour of South Africa last year to find the most recent high-profile incident of a crowd member attacking a worker, Randy Orton finding himself blindsided as he posed on the turnbuckles. It's not uncommon to see referees - let alone the wrestlers themselves - deal with intruding fans in swift and decisive fashion, and understandably so given the unpredictable nature of such a situation. One of ECW's most crazy ideas (and there have been no shortage) could therefore be regarded as the frequent use of the "Fans Bring Weapons" hardcore matches. Since its popularisation in the groundbreaking Philadelphia promotion, it's become a staple of various hardcore federations such as CZW and JCW. Not only must wrestlers spend most of the match in uncomfortably close proximity to a horde of over-excited fans, they're also compelled to grab homemade weapons and go to town on one another. Given the fact that nobody involved has a clue how dangerous such weapons could be until they're used, the stipulation must go down as one of the most ill-advised in wrestling history.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.