10 Most Terrifying WWE Stipulations Ever

5. Buried Alive

Although nowadays - with the tricks behind the Buried Alive match relatively well known - the match isn't quite as terrifying as it once was. For those of you unfortunate enough to be a child around the stipulations' heyday in the late 1990s however, it's a bout which may still have the potential to make you feel uncomfortable. Although the history of the Buried Alive match contains only five matches, and most of them are either mediocre or overbooked (or both), nothing else in wrestling matches it as a purely terrifying spectacle. The fact that one wrestler will always end the match buried underneath tonnes of dirt is scary enough, but the visuals involved are equally sinister. The stage area is converted into a miniature graveyard, often accompanied by a towering bulldozer. The match is easily one of the most unique in wrestling and is probably responsible for quite a few nightmares of young fans at the time of ifs peak popularity.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.