10 Most Underappreciated Wrestling Moves

5. Bray Wyatt's Running Crossbody

Cm Punk Big Show

Bray Wyatt is a mixed bag really, it's hard to get an idea of what he's going for. Is he a cult leader? A gator wrangler? Seriously, anyone, what's his deal? His finisher Sister Abigail really captures the flaws of the wrestler though: great setup, creepy beginning with little warning that he's about to get you, then straight into a disappointingly basic swing and toss.

One move that perfectly encapsulates Bray's look and style is his running crossbody. This is an old school move like the bear hug, dropkick, strutting in a top hat and tails - old school - but the way he does it is very modern and very much his own. Watch Wyatt go for a running crossbody and you can almost see the point in midair where he stops caring about aesthetics or his own wellbeing, and is focused wholly on putting someone down any way he can.

It helps that Bray is one those large guys who can build up speed stupidly fast, so you have all that mass, speed, and (one assumes) beard lice coming right at you.

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