10 Most Underrated Wrestlers In WWE Today

5. Drew Gulak

Charlotte Flair Drew Gulak

Settling into a similar role to that of the already noted MVP as one of WWE's go-to guys regardless the situation, is there a more under-appreciated player on Vince McMahon's current team of Superstars than that of Drew Gulak?

Whether he's providing other talents with the in-ring tools necessary to fully fulfil their potential inside of the squared-circle, effectively stepping in on 205 Live commentary, helping celebrities like Bad Bunny get to grips with the physicality of a wrasslin' match, picking up a microphone and filling in as a backstage personality, putting over main eventers as killing machines in TV segments, or even making recently arriving titans feel that little bit more special, Gulak is the wrestling gift you didn't know you needed until it showed up at your door.

The fact WWE were so quick to re-sign the former Cruiserweight Champion with a love of all things PowerPoint on the back of his deal expiring in May 2020 tells you all you need to know about what he brings to the Sports Entertainment table. So, here's hoping he finally gets the long overdue respect, both in front of the camera and behind-the-scenes, and dollar he deserves in the coming years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...