10 Most Underrated Wrestlers In WWE Today

4. Asuka

Charlotte Flair Drew Gulak

No one is ready for Asuka... not even WWE themselves, if her lack of appearances over the last year or so are anything to go by.

Despite looking as though the former NXT, Raw, SmackDown, and Tag Team Women's Champion had finally gotten over her mid-2021 injury woes at the turn of the year, those higher up still didn't feel as though she was ring ready and rumours of her re-emergence at the Royal Rumble were ultimately doused by news of Asuka still being listed as "inactive" as recently as March.

Taking the crown of undisputed MVP of the crowd-less era, Asuka's routine displays of relentless charm and explosiveness in-between the ropes led to a much-deserved, though still disappointingly under-served, Raw Women's title run during said LED-stuffed period.

Sure, injuries again haven't aided her cause lately. But that still doesn't excuse the complete lack of care sent the always-engaging worker's way before her prolonged absence from July onwards.

So, here's to The Empress of Tomorrow reminding folks at home and WWE themselves why she still sits head and shoulders above the rest in terms of untouchable physical performances and raw charisma over the course of her comeback feud with Big Time Becks.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...