10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

How do you learn to fall off a 20ft ladder?

Everyone loves a ladder match. Despite the many, many ladder matches that have taken place on WWE television and pay-per-view, fans still look forward to them and the gimmick has retained much of its aura. The ladder match has evolved in recent years, from featuring two singles wrestlers to to tag teams to three to adding tables and chairs to four tag teams and so on and so on. The concept is so popular that it even has its own pay-per-view - Money in the Bank - which is usually one of the in-ring high points of the WWE's year. Some of the most iconic moments in WWE history have come during this particular brand of match. The sight of Shawn Michaels leaping from the top of the ladder at WrestleMania X and Edge and Christian standing atop the ladder holding their first Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 16 have been featured on WWE highlight reels and video packages for years. With so many great ladder matches it is inevitable that there would be some that would slip through the cracks. But these matches shouldn't continue to be ignored. The sacrifices that wrestlers make and the aches and pains they endure in them in order to entertain the fans are greater than in most types of matches. It sounds clichéd but they really do put their bodies on the line in order to put on a great show for the paying customer. So fire up the WWE Network and try to seek out these hidden gems.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...