10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

8. Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart (1992)

Years before Montreal screwjobs and backstage fights, Shawn and Bret were battling for respect but were still on the same page as two future stars of the 'New Generation'. To add some spice to their feud over the Intercontinental Championship, Bret suggested that they compete in a match that he saw in his father's Stampede promotion in the 1970's and '80s. And so the WWE ladder match was born. No, Shawn and Razor Ramon did not have the first one at WrestleMania X.Although this match doesn't featured the spectacular falls and stunts of later matches, it is a solid and exciting contest and deserves credit simply for being the first of its kind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqE7mYtwmk8 For years this was only available on the 'Smack 'Em Whack 'Em' VHS compilation tape. Of course now you can watch it on the WWE Network (unless you're in the UK in which case you should get your VHS player ready or open YouTube).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...