10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

9. Chris Jericho Vs Christian (Unforgiven 2004)

Chris Jericho and Christian were two ladder match veterans by the time they squared off in one for the Intercontinental Championship at Unforgiven 2004. So it is perhaps easy to understand why fans were disappointed with their efforts. Things aren't helped much by the fact that the match appeared on a nothing pay-per-view in the middle of the card. Ladder matches were a lot more common around 2004 too and fans were perhaps burned out on the stipulation. You can, after all, have too much of a good thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv0r1BHfc6g But Jericho and Christian had a very solid (if unspectacular) match with some heavy-duty bumps including a loony double bulldog from the top of a very tall ladder. That was topped, however, when Jericho accidentally gave himself a 'steel enema' when he fell butt-first onto the steel leg. Ouch.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...