10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

4. The Hardyz Vs The World's Greatest Tag Team (One Night Stand 2007)

One Night Stand 2007 was full of gimmick matches. In fact, every single match on the show had a gimmick from a steel cage, to a stretcher match and even a pudding match. This Tag Team Championship ladder match between 'step' brothers Matt and Jeff Hardy and The World's Greatest Tag Team arguably stole the show. It is somewhat strange, then, that the match is very rarely brought up and seems to have faded into obscurity. While The Hardy Boyz were MVPs of the ladder match in the early 2000s, the second half of the decade belonged to Shelton Benjamin and 'The Gold Standard' entered another death-defying performance here to keep pace with Matt and Jeff. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x268ro_ons-07-hardys-v-wgtt-part-1-of-2_sport The match was a bit sloppy in places but the four men more than made up for it with some state-of-the-art offense and plenty of risk-taking.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...