10 Most Unique Knockouts In UFC History

1. Gary Goodridge Vs. Paul Herrera - UFC 8

Finish: Elbows

Maybe not the flashiest nor the most exciting, but Gary Goodridge knocking out Paul Herrera at UFC 8 has to go down as one of the most unique and obscure finishes of all time.

Just 13 seconds is all it took in what was the MMA debut of both fighters.

In the first round of the UFC 8 tournament, wrestler Herrera and Trinidadian-Canadian Kuk Sool Won artist, Goodridge, looked to be one of the more even contests on the card, pitting two mat-based fighters together.

Herrera shot for the leg, Goodridge dropped onto, then rolled, him all within a few seconds. Locking both his arms up across his legs and chest, Goodridge had the opening he was after.

But not the finish anyone was expecting.

Instead of cranking on a possible arm bar, Goodridge released his right arm and planted an elbow right to the side of Herrera's head.

Then another one, and another, and anther... and four more before referee John McCarthy could call it and break them apart.

One look at the footage and you can see that Herrera is out after one.

To get a knockout finish in that position is something astounding in itself. Add the speed and brutality of eight elbows in barely three seconds and you have the most unique knockout in UFC history.


Aussie sports fan who loves gaming, everything on the big and silver screens and quoting the entire Samuel L. Jackson 'Ezekiel 25:17' monologue from Pulp Fiction