10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

1. Edge (Walls Of Jericho)

Chris Jericho Edge TLC Walls Of Jericho

Old-school WCW fans will know that Chris Jericho's Liontamer submission had more torque to it than his Walls Of Jericho did in WWE. The move was modified so Jericho could perform it on anybody, and oh, so he could lock it on whilst perched precariously on a ladder.

Why not, eh?

This oft-forgotten spot happened during only the third TLC match on the 24 May 2001 episode of SmackDown, and it was expertly done. Mid-match, Jericho scaled one ladder, positioned himself over Edge and locked in his finisher. It didn't last very long, likely 'cause both guys were worried the ladders might not hold their weight or stay stable.

Still, for the few seconds Edge had to sell it, he did a sterling job; as a side note, the first two TLC matches have had enough love. Fire up the Network, stick this one and then wonder to yourself how it never happened on pay-per-view.

What other unique uses of WWE finishers can you think of? Let us know down in the comments section below!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.