10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

2. The Rock (Stone Cold Stunner)

The Rock Stunner

You knew it was only a matter of time before this one showed up.

As unique as Scott Hall's constant overselling of Steve Austin's Stunner was during WrestleMania X-8 season, it had nothing on The Rock's. Even Shane McMahon would go on to borrow Rocky's sell whenever he saw some Stunner action. That's how plainly striking and entertaining it was.

Austin didn't play much of a part in it. He'd deliver his Stunner with a little more oomph, maybe, but this was all Rock's work. After being booted in the gut, he'd position himself to fall slightly forwards so he could push off his knees and roll into a dramatic sequence.

At times, the thing looked like the world's worst Spinaroonie attempt, and yet it was never anything less than delightful. The way he'd sometimes smash against the ropes gave the Stunner greater impact, and it must've cracked Austin up.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.