10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

6. Shawn Michaels (Sweet Chin Music)

Shawn Michaels NXT

What's the best way to take a Superkick? Fly up into the air after being popped on the jaw? Spin around and fall forwards? Spill out of the ring like you've just been shot out of a cannon? If you're the master of that move, it's none of those things. To Shawn Michaels, taking some Sweet Chin Music should knock you out cold.

Behold a master at work.

During an NXT Title bout between Drew McIntyre and Adam Cole in November 2017, HBK took his own finish with aplomb. He didn't oversell in the slightest, but instead took the brunt of the bump on his arm and hip. It was a wonderful spectacle to see the legend sell his own move like an actual boss.

It should also act as a lesson to anyone watching that Superkicks are supposed to be knock out blows, and not something wrestlers can recover from quickly. Everything about Shawn's work here was top notch, including the way he lay motionless afterwards.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.