10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

7. Edge (Codebreaker)

Edge Chris Jericho Codebreaker

Speaking of visually stunning, this spot had that down pat six years earlier.

At Extreme Rules 2010, Edge met Chris Jericho in an underrated Steel Cage effort that you should definitely also add to the WWE Network watch list. One of the best moments came when Y2J watched Edge hesitate on the middle rope with his back against the cage, then literally leapt into action with a massive Codebreaker.

There was something so unique about the way Edge fell onto Jericho's knees, felt the impact and then rolled off to sell the pain too. The height, angle and the fact it happened in a cage to begin with all helped make the move seem 10x worse than a standard Codebreaker ever could be.

God, it's so easy to look back on moments like this and realise how much imagination workers like Jericho and Edge have/had. It makes one lament the fact they never got that full-time tag run they were supposed to. Oh well, they were good against each other anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.