10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

4. Ryback (Attitude Adjustment)

John Cena Ryback Ambulance

People can say what they like about WWE's decision to turn Ryback heel in mid-2013, but it led to a solid series of matches opposite John Cena. One of the best fell at Payback in June. There, Cena and the bully-boy baddie worked a gruelling Lumberjack, Tables and Ambulance 'Three Stages Of Hell' gimmick.

Cue creativity.

Right at the end of the 25-minute epic, Cena hit his Attitude Adjustment atop the ambulance and sent Ryback crashing into the cabin through the vehicle's roof. The thing was rigged, obviously, but that doesn't alter the impressiveness of the stunt. This, like it or not, was super-unique work.

Wrestlers had been put through tables with the move before, and some had even been slammed onto other vehicles with it. Nobody had ever been hit with one through the roof of an ambulance though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.