10 Most Unique Ways Wrestlers Took WWE Finishers

3. Evan Bourne (RKO)

Evan Bourne RKO 2

Mustafa Ali's recent super-RKO on SmackDown was stunning to watch. The ex-Cruiserweight took the move brilliantly, and looked like he'd been wiped out by Randy Orton's finisher. Long-time WWE fans will know Orton has made a habit out of this sort of thing.

His 'Out Of Nowhere' trope started years ago, long before Ali was even a twinkle in WWE's eye.

On the 12 July 2010 edition of Raw, Evan Bourne helped popularise the idea that Orton could hit his move from anywhere and everywhere by taking what was then the most stunning RKO ever. When he jumped from the top rope and spun into his Shooting Star Press move (Air Bourne), fans expected him to land flush on top of Randy.

He didn't. Orton instead hauled himself off the mat, snapped his arms around Bourne's neck and pulled him down with one extraordinarily fluid motion. Fans were hysterical afterwards, and with good reason.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.