10 Most Unlikely Champions In WCW History

10. Diamond Dallas Page

Without doubt, DDP is the best performer on this list, and perhaps the only who was actually worthy of holding the gold he did. It's a beautiful success story - Page, in his 40's at the time, captured the WCW World Title for the first time at Spring Stampede 1999, beating out the likes of Sting, Ric Flair and Hollywood Hogan in a 4-way match. It was a wonderful sight, and a true dream come true for the man. Proving that age is no barrier, DDP had only made his actual in-ring debut as a full-time wrestler in 1991, largely as a jobber, but wouldn't really make a splash until feuding with Randy Savage in 1997. It was there that WCW started to realise that they had someone with incredible drive and ambition in their midst, and that Page deserved to be rewarded for his efforts. This list isn't necessarily just about the horrible champions WCW would crown over the years, it's also - in the case of DDP - set up to acknowledge the unlikely, and Page was most certainly that. Given his late start in the industry as an in-ring performer, few could have envisioned that the man would go on to become World Champion, but he worked his butt off to get there.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.