10 Most Unlikely WWE Intercontinental Champions Ever

5. Bob Holly

As 'Hardcore' Holly in the year 2000, Bob would find himself sandwiched right in the middle of a power struggle between Chyna and Chris Jericho for control over the Intercontinental Title. Competing against both "friends" in a Triple Threat match at the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View, Holly would just come up short in his attempts to win the belt. That wasn't the only association the guy would have with the Intercontinental strap, he incredibly won it 5 years before on an episode of the long-forgotten WWF Action Zone program. Holly's extremely brief reign with the Intercontinental Title isn't one WWE consider an official title change, but the fact remains that he was announced as the new champion. Defeating Jeff Jarrett (what is it with that guy?) to bag the strap on the low-level telecast, WWF officials soon ruled that Jarrett's foot had been on the rope when the referee counted his shoulders to the mat, therefore negating the decision. In a hastily-rearranged rematch, Holly lost the now-vacated title, in what has to stand the test of time as one of the most random storylines to have ever taken place on a 'B' or 'C' show.
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Luke Harper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.