10 Most Unlikely WWE Intercontinental Champions Ever

4. Ezekiel Jackson

Ezekiel Jackson was someone often name-checked as being akin to a modern-day Ahmed Johnson. The physical comparisons were obvious, but it seems a lot of people were actually referring to the fact that - despite the promotion's interest in pushing him - Jackson often looked like a fish out of water, uncomfortable with piecing together more lengthy, interesting bouts. Making his debut as the bodyguard of 'The' Brian Kendrick in 2008, Jackson would eventually go on to join the ill-fated stable led by Wade Barrett, The Corre. Not only did the collective have a terrible name, but they were very much a poor man's Nexus, something which came across to fans tenfold. Nonetheless, Ezekiel Jackson was handed the Intercontinental Title once the short-lived faction was terminated. Defeating his former leader, Barrett, at the one-off Capitol Punishment Pay-Per-View in June, 2011, Jackson only held the title for a scant 2 months before losing out to Cody Rhodes. When fans were busy comparing the man to Ahmed Johnson, they were forgetting that the latter had a connection with fans that Jackson could only dream of.
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Luke Harper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.