10 Most Unnatural Dustin Rhodes Moments

9. Goo-goo Ga-ga Goldust

TAFKA Goldust baby 2
WWE Network

TAFKA Goldust chose a Baby New Year guise for the last Raw of 1997. He chugged from a four-litre milk bottle while wearing a padded diaper and a blue and white checked bonnet and bib combo. His painted-on rosy cheeks were as obvious as twin sniper rifles aimed at his face.

The high-pitched voice he chose to “express” himself in was an echo from a hellscape were John Waters meets Rugrats. He had the most memorable Royal Rumble entrant announcement in the match’s history. However, he made a misstep when he poked Stone Cold Steve Austin by claiming to be the “toughest S.O.B.” in the WWF. To add further insult to ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’, Goldust also pulled out a thong as a gift for Austin and invited him to play the Ken to his Barbie.

Austin arrived bearing gifts too - a portable toilet he’d christened “Crapper 3:16”. Austin added the background information that “four out of five construction workers [he] surveyed said it stunk like Hell when they were inside today”. After a one-sided beatdown, Goldust was launched into the portable toilet, which Austin tipped with ‘The Bizarre One’ inside.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.