10 Most Unpopular WWE World Champions Ever

2. John Cena (Various)

Very quickly after the man won the WWE Title for the first time at WrestleMania 21, John Cena became one of the most unpopular names on the WWE roster. When he beat JBL at 'Mania, Cena seemed set to be the next big babyface sensation in the headline slot, following on from the likes of Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. Fans had other ideas, rejecting the fact Cena was being shoved into their faces. It seems that with each passing World Title win, Cena gets more and more unpopular with a select slice of the core audience. It's obvious that the man is WWE's chosen franchise player, and people don't like that idea. To date, John Cena has won the WWE Title 12 times and the old World Heavyweight Championship on 3 separate occasions. Every time he does so, boos rain down on the man. Throughout every single one of these title reigns, Cena has been cast as a babyface, despite the fact that he's routinely jeered for his success. It's unlikely that he'll ever win a World Title without being booed, which is quite an incredible thought. Cena is the man WWE present as their top full-time star, but folks over a certain age seemingly can't stand the guy.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.