10 Most Unpopular WWE World Champions Ever

3. Randy Orton (2013)

Over the years, Randy Orton has been a popular champion at times. For example, when he first won the WWE Title in late-2007, fans were happy that he managed to escape the No Mercy Pay-Per-View with a win over Triple H. Shifting focus towards 2013, and people were less delighted over what happened at SummerSlam 2013. The ongoing saga involving The Authority and Daniel Bryan dominated WWE television. Triple H reasoned that Bryan wasn't championship material, whilst Stephanie McMahon called the man a 'B+ Player'. This was all designed to rally fans behind the wrestler, who would eventually win the big one. At SummerSlam, Bryan defeated John Cena cleanly, despite the fact that Triple H was the 'Special Guest Referee'. Things went downhill from there. Randy Orton, who was in possession of the Money In The Bank briefcase, cashed in. Thus, the show ended with Orton as the new WWE Champion, whilst Daniel Bryan lay in a crumpled heap on the map. Thankfully, the story panned out excellently, Bryan captured the belt properly at WrestleMania XXX. Randy remained an unpopular champion going forward.
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Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.