Coming to the realization that time has passed you by, that your best days as a professional wrestler are behind you, can send any great star over the edge and into insanity, as it did to former WWE champion Bob Backlund in the spring of 1994. After making a return to the ring a year earlier, Backlund was finally in position to challenge Bret "Hitman" Hart for the top prize in professional wrestling on a memorable episode of WWE Superstars. The two masters of the mat game wrestled an outstanding match that saw several opportunities for Backlund to score the upset win. Unfortunately, he was out-wrestled by the better man and defeated. The loss awakened something inside of Backlund that led to a psychotic episode. He snapped, locking Hart in the dreaded Cross Face Chicken Wing and executed a heel turn that led to one of the most unexpected runs in WWE history. Backlund got over to an extent no one could have imagined. He rode a wave of momentum, and a pattern of irrational and insane behavior all the way to the top of the industry, feuding with the business' top babyface and capturing an unlikely second heavyweight championship. There was certainly an air of unpredictability that surrounding the veteran and one that created a far more interesting product than the company had produced to that point. Of course, the angle had an expiration date on it as Backlund was hardly the guy you wanted really carrying the supposed "New Generation" of WWE stars into the future but for a good six-month period, he was a great addition to the show. Eventually, he dropped the WWE title and began a campaign for President of the United States that only served to accentuate his psychosis.
Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.