10 Most Unusual Foreign Objects Used At WWE TLC

1. TV

Yep, you read that right. We€™re saving the best€”or at least the zaniest€”for last here as we come to the infamous TV of TLC 2014. Approaching the end of that awesome TLC match between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt€”which saw no less than three driving elbow drops through various tables€”the Lunatic Fringe appeared to be in the ascendancy. With Wyatt down, Ambrose reached for an LCD TV screen that he€™d earlier brought into the ring (because apparently TV screens are just lying under the ring, awaiting such eventualities). Setting his opponent in his sights, Ambrose charged at the Eater of Worlds. But alas, he was caught short€”literally€”by the TV€™s power cable, which allegedly €œshorted out€ and exploded in the former Shield members face. Stunned, Ambrose then walked right into Sister Abigail to allow Wyatt to pick up the victory. Just a few weeks after losing a match as a result of a hologram, we were now seeing Ambrose taste defeat due to a short-circuiting television. Call it what you will; creative, unique, convoluted, one thing€™s for sure€”you€™ll be hard pushed to find a more unusual use of a foreign object in the WWE.

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