10 Most Unusual Foreign Objects Used At WWE TLC

5. Turnbuckle

Just two years after that crafty handcuff spot, the WWE seemingly went back to the well when Randy Orton handcuffed John Cena in the main event of the 2013 show. This time however, Cena was handcuffed to the rope itself, rather than merely the turnbuckle. This meant that even if Cena were able to follow Punk€™s example and unscrew the turnbuckle, he€™d still be bound to the rope. Of course, being attached to a rope affords slightly more mobility than being attached to a steel post. As such, once Cena had unscrewed the turnbuckle, he could still move freely enough to be able to prevent Orton from ascending the ladder, using the very same turnbuckle to batter the Viper to the ground. There was still a twist to come though. Still connected to the rope, and atop the ladder, Cena eventually found himself on the end of a tug of war with Orton, which the latter would win to send Cena crashing through a nearby table. What had initially seemed like a spot simply regurgitated from a previous PPV would actually turn out to be fairly original use of the turnbuckle€”and more importantly, it came in a feud that was in dire need of some originality.

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