10 Most Unwatchable Wrestling Matches Ever

3. Big Boss Man Vs. Al Snow (WWF Unforgiven 1999)

Kennel From Hell

The climax to a weird little midcard angle between these two men in summer 1999, where the sadistic Bossman had killed Snow€™s pet dog Pepper and tricked him into eating it. Yes, I know.

Because a simple cage match wouldn€™t be enough, the cage was surrounded with a larger cage - the Hell In A Cell structure - and between the two would be crazed rottweilers, half-starved and desperate. Except the dogs were docile and bored, more likely to pee around the ring than attack anyone which is exactly what at least one of them did.

For a dozen or so minutes, the two men tried to avoid each other, clambering around the cages like gibbons. With two cages, the audience and cameras outside could barely see what was going on inside. Meanwhile, the dogs were attempting to mate with one another, when they weren€™t crapping all over the place.

That inappropriate behaviour meant that the cameramen could rarely (if ever) get the dogs in shot. The vicious attack dogs didn€™t even create a cool visual.

Finally, Snow and the Bossman appear to blow the finish, leading to Al simply leaving the cage and slamming the door behind him while the Bossman is somehow on the top of the Cell. No one is any the wiser.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.