10 Most Useless WWE Royal Rumble Entrants Ever

1. Hornswoggle (2011)

WWE made a lot of noise about the fact that the 2011 Royal Rumble had more entrants than any other Rumble match in history. Instead of the traditional 30 participants, the 2011 bout would be extended to include 40 performers. During the hype for the event, the company talked up the idea that this would make the match more competitive than ever before. Sadly, that premise was thrown out the nearest window by virtue of the fact that Hornswoggle lasted around 10 minutes in the Rumble. When he entered at #23, fans seemed less-than-thrilled to see the diminutive star. Both John Cena and CM Punk were grounded in the ring when the countdown began, so people likely expected the next entrant to be a top star. Instead, they were given Hornswoggle. The happy-go-lucky leprechaun was eventually thrown out of the match by Sheamus, but not before outstaying his welcome by a long way. Hornswoggle was blatantly a filler entry, and not an effective way to sell the 2011 Royal Rumble as the most dangerous of all time. What other Royal Rumble entrants would you deem as useless over the years? What do you make of ones listed here? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.