10 Most Useless WWE Royal Rumble Entrants Ever

2. Santino Marella (2009)

It'll be difficult for anybody to top the record set by Santino Marella in 2009. Back in 1989, The Warlord was eliminated within 2 seconds of entering by Hulk Hogan. That was embarrassing, sure, but Marella managed to beat that record by a whole second in '09, after being clotheslined over the top rope by Kane. One whole second was what the faux-Italian spent in the match. Instantly crying out that he "wasn't ready", Santino was forced to vacate the ringside area by referees. Again, the real problem with this particular entrant was the timing. Marella was #28 in the Royal Rumble match, a time when the bout is getting down to the nitty gritty and the wheat is separated from the chaff. Fans expect big things from the final entrants, or at least a few huge surprises. Sadly, the final 3 entrants proved to be Santino Marella, Jim Duggan and The Big Show. Out of that trio, only Show was taken seriously by the audience as someone who had any realistic chance of winning the match. Both entrants before Santino, The Brian Kendrick and Dolph Ziggler, had only lasted less than 40 seconds collectively. Therefore, Marella's short appearance did nothing for the conclusion of the match.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.