10 Moves WWE Superstars Don't Do Anymore

8. Face Claw (Kane)

Kane Face Claw

Remember Kane's anti-John Cena tirade in 2011?

Re-masked and re-energised by WWE's decision to press the reset button, Kane encouraged Cena to 'Embrace The Hate', and channelled the spirit of 1997 again by acting like the most frightening monster in the biz. That's when Kane debuted a new move, one he'd ditch after putting Cena over.

As Kane grabbed Cena's face and squeezed, the announcers cried out that his suffocating claw might be the end of their hero. The claw, a move that had been a popular staple in the territory days for guys like Baron von Raschke, had also been seen in WWE as both Kurrgan and (with a twist) Mankind's finisher.

Now, Kane was putting his own spin on the thing by paralysing opponents with his power. After the Cena feud, Kane began phasing out his Face Claw, and it hasn't been part of his arsenal over the past seven years. It should be. It's a simple move he can use on anyone and looks great.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.