10 Movie Characters WWE Should Base New Gimmicks On

7. Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Movie Gimmicks
20th Century Fox

Yes, of course there should be a Fight Club inspired gimmick. And no, Steve Blackman's vague martial arts expert definitely doesn't count. If any character has been more associated with general badassery in the last two decades, it's Tyler Durden.

Rather than stealing Durden's grungy/glam aesthetic -- the red leather jacket and track pants combo and a never-ending dewiness to his body -- and calling it a day, you'd need to highlight the true back room brawler in the character. You could even bring back the Boiler Room Brawl matches just for him, thus killing two incredibly awesome birds with one stone.

Or, for that matter, he could frequently come into his matches already banged up from the underground wrestling matches he was participating in before his sanctioned matches. On the occasions he was too messed up to wrestle in front of the crowd, it would raise the ire of the big brass.

If you wanted to go all in, you could continuously raise the stakes with his social deviousness and anarchistic spirit. Those traits alone make him a more stylish version of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

And sure, let's give him a split personality for funsies.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.