10 Must-See Lucha Underground Season 3 Matches

6. Johnny Mundo Vs. The Mack (All Night Long)

Jeremiah Crane Cannonball Killshot Lucha Underground

The Mack always defied expectations. For a man his size to be doing kip-ups, running shooting star presses, and moonsaults is unreal. But even fans doubted whether he would last All Night Long in an Iron Man match against Lucha Underground champion Johnny Mundo.

We had to wait until after the season three hiatus to get this match - which made it feel like The Mack's rise to the main event had taken even longer! - but it delivered. While not as consistently bonkers as the All Night Long match between Mundo and Puma, Mack more than held his own, once again proving that he was one of the most reliable and entertaining characters on the show.

And to be fair, Mundo sold the hell out of the match, helping establish Mack as a possible contender and erasing any doubts, either about his title reign or the quality of his competitors.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.