10 Must-See Matches From WWE SmackDown 2002

8. Brock Lesnar Vs. Eddie Guerrero - November 7, 2002

Chris Jericho Edge Steel Cage 2002
WWE Network

Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero from No Way Out 2004 was one of that decade's greatest matches. What few remember is that it was not the first time the two Ruthless Aggression Era icons battled in singles competition.

On the November 7 episode of SmackDown, Guerrero battled WWE champion Lesnar in a non-title main event match.

Lesnar was a monster, enraged over a chokeslam through an announce table suffered a week earlier at the hands of Big Show and Guerrero was his unfortunate victim. "Latino Heat" was tossed around the ring with reckless abandon, a tackling dummy for The Next Big Thing.

Sure, he seized control after a great bit of heel chicanery courtesy of a low blow, but Lesnar ultimately finished him off with the F-5, adding the future Hall of Famer to his list of those he had conquered.

Not even remotely close to the classic from No Way Out, Guerrero vs. Lesnar from SmackDown in November bears watching if only to see where those two men were in their careers just before the tables were turned a year of so down the road.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.